Success stories

The success stories on EcoCrowd should give you a brief insight into how the projects have grown after the successful crowdfunding campaign.


Greifvogel The Bergische Greifvogelhilfe is an animal rescue for injured birds of prey and owls. In January 2015 the Bergische Greifvogelhilfe successfully finished its crowdfunding campaign on EcoCrowd. The Bergische Griefvogelhilfe tells you how the campaign was und what became of the project. [..]
azadi Nice fashion – made-fair in India – with western hint. These are the requirements of the brand „AZADI“. In May 2015 an important milestone for the foundation of AZADI was placed: Regina’s crowdfunding campaign on EcoCrowd was successfully finished. That was the starting point for a continuing success story. [..]
ekoneo ekoneo is a portal for nonprofits. Nonprofits can find there a wide range of information and offers for successful, public-oriented work. Mario and Benedikt successfully finished their crowdfunding campaign on EcoCrowd in the summer of 2015. In the following, they describe you briefly the experiences which they had with EcoCrowd and how it has progressed with ekoneo. [..]
Imkerei Summtgart The main focus of apiary Summtgart is the factual beekeeping, which is based on the natural needs of the bee population and not on profit maximization. In summer 2016 the crowdfunding campaign was successfully finished. The bees and the apiary are in good mood. [..]
Windkraftkunst The project Windkraftkunst has the aim to inspire young people for renewable energy, especially for wind energy. In this context, it is also important to sensitize future generations how strong our energy policy influences our landscape. In the summer of 2015, the crowdfunding campaign, initiated by the Pictorius Berufskolleg Coesfeld, was successfully finished. To this day, the wind power project is running and has even been awarded. [..]
In July 2015 Micha finished successfully the crowdfunding campaign of his project ECOGON. This community game brings children, teenagers and adults together in an exciting way to understand the complexity of our domestic ecosystems. Read more about our project of the year 2014/2015. [..]
To finance the new insulation of the Oberlinhaus in Alsace the OberlinImpuls e.V. started a crowdfunding campaign on EcoCrowd. The building project was carried out by young adults in order to strengthen their character and to bring them closer to the facets of a sustainable lifestyle.[..]
In the year 2013 Dunja and Nica founded the agency labor gruen. This agency published the monthly and free magazin „Veedelfunker“ for district Stadtteil Köln-Ehrenfeld. Durch die Berichterstattung über Menschen aus der Nachbarschaft, die nachhaltig handeln, werden die Leser zum Mitmachen angeregt. Read more in the interview with the two founders, in which they speak about the time after the crowdfunding campaign and their plans for the future. [..]