Die solidarische Karawane für Biodiversität

  • Unterstützer*innen


  • Finanziert

    0 €

  • Etappenziel

    15.900 €

Mehrwert für die Umwelt

Das Projekt schützt oder verbessert die Bereiche…


Boden, Wasser, Luft


Tier und Pflanzen

biologische Vielfalt

Sach- und Kulturgüter

Energie und Ressourceneinsatz

Verwendete Ressourcen

Die verwendeten Ressourcen sind…

grün hergestellt


fair gehandelt

regional bezogen

sparsam eingesetzt

recycelt, upcycled

erneuerbar (z.B. Energie)

Diese Selbsteinschätzung durch den Projektinhaber/die Projektinhaberin dient als Entscheidungshilfe für die Crowd. Nicht alle Kriterien müssen dabei erfüllt, aber sämtliche Alternativen in Erwägung gezogen werden.


Die solidarische Karawane für Biodiversität ist ein ökologisches, soziales und kulturelles Projekt, welches die Biodiversität unterstützt. Mithilfe einer „Samenbank“ soll die Ernährungssouveränität in kleinen Kommunen sichergestellt werden.


To renew our commitment to an agriculture based on diversity, free of poison and GMOs, we are organizing The Solidarity Caravan for Biodiversity, helping to develop sustainable and biodiverse vegetable gardens in European communes.

The Solidary Caravan for Biodiversity starts in April and will cross different European countries calling on both farmers and citizens to encourage and support ecology and “sustainable farming development“ as well as to celebrate biodiversity, seed freedom and the right to healthy food.

The Solidary Caravan for  Biodiversity  will travel more than 5000 km from Zürich to Italy and from there to France and Spain to exchange seeds with farmers and also give them to them through our „seed bank“. Along with this we will be filming and recording information about the practices and increase of the continental ecological alliance between the different communes in order to defend the original seeds.

The Caravan’s first stop will be in Greece at the Olympic Seed Festival for the exchange of local varieties of seeds and to participate in a real celebration of biodiversity where seeds will be both exchanged and given out for free. The seeds we will get there, are also going to be a contribution to our seed bank.

The Caravan´s seed bank’s mission is the preservation of different seed varieties for vegetables, herbs and ornamental plants which have been preserved in recent years and that can now be exchanged and used for organic farming. Saving seeds means solving a global problem of the future, which will also be present in Europe.

The Solidarity Caravan for Biodiversity, has an internet radio platform to spread the message and show the different alternative, ecological and sustainable practices to the world through www.Radioteca.net  an open source and free rights platform. The information will be shared through the radio show “Alter Nativa” which started at Radio Lora, Zürich, Switzerland and is produced and hosted by M.Gimena Cattaneo.

The Caravan´s video footage will show the experiences we’ve met on the road and aims to encourage organic farming practices and environmentally sustainable communes, as well as alternative technologies. The movie The Solidarity Caravan for Biodiversity will be available online from November 2017 on.

Wofür wird das eingesammelte Geld eingesetzt?

1.500 € Notfall
7.500 € Gasoil
2.500 € Alternative Technologie (Sonnarpannels, equipment)
15.900 € Wohnmobil

Kaufen die Wohnmobil

Alternatives Technologies (sonnarpannels für Karawane, die Computer und Samenbank)



Warum ist das Projekt ein EcoCrowd Projekt?

By supporting this social, ecological and fair project you make a positive contribution on society:

*  Helping people and communities to reach food sovereignty
*  Bring positive impact to the enviroment: water, air, soil and climate
* Increase Biodiversity
* Increase Ecological Conscience through Radio & Video

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Mein deutsch es ist nicht so gut für schreiben, leider, muss ich in englisch screiben.

Since long time I work against GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and agrotoxics, in the way to wake the ecological conscience through social media, performance, handmade book and radio. Now, I feel is the time to put the hand over the land, and help to communities to reach food sovereignty as well as reproduce original seeds.

Yes, the radio continue and add video, but I decide I want to be the change I want to see. Fighting against agrotoxics buying in supermarket, have not sense.

The time for change is now,  can you help me to make it possible?

Wir bestäuben die Zukunft, weil ...

wir lieben die Pachamama!

Dieses Projekt hat noch keine Unterstützer*innen.

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    Aktualisierung #2: Die solidarische Karawane für Biodiversität

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  • karawane
    Aktualisierung #1: Die solidarische Karawane für Biodiversität